Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Branding Your Business – More than Pretty Pictures and Catchy Phrases

If you’re the owner of a multi-billion dollar company, this blog post is not for you. However, if you’re a mom and pop organization or a new business and would like to learn how to brand it on a low budget, read on…

Large corporations spend millions on creating a brand message, but the ones that stick in our minds are based on simple concepts which have a creative spark.

The secret?  Branding that can be used creatively without explanation. Branding is not a difficult thing to do if you know who you are and how you want to be perceived by others. Yet quite often you might not be focused on your brand.  Some may decide to put their attention on products or services in an effort to bring in customers and revenue. That's fine if you're the only small business selling a particular product or service, but that's a rarity. This is why branding is imperative not just for big corporations, but also for small businesses. In fact, it may be even more important the smaller your business is.

Many get caught up with the word “brand” and believe it’s this colossal term reserved for corporate powerhouses. The reality is that every company—and in this day of social media, most individuals—should establish what their brand equals.

How do you effectively brand yourself and your business?

Create a standout logo
A good logo will go a long way. Unless you are able to create one on your own, which looks professional, you’ll need to hire an expert. At SK Consulting, we can help you create an image that lets people know what you and your company stands for instantly.

To save money, it’s best to have a rough idea of what you’d like. Brainstorm with friends and do some basic research. Don’t worry, it’s fun! Check out other company logos. Determine which ones you like and which you don’t.  Then hire an expert to design it based on your input.

What makes a good logo? There are a few key elements that make for a successful logo. Ask yourself, if your logo is:
  • Functional: Will it work on a letterhead, a business card as well as a large poster?
  • Aesthetic: No one likes an ugly image.
  • Original: If you use clip art, it will be obvious. Create original art.
  • Appropriate: Have the image speak to your business and you.  A plumber wouldn’t have a rose in his/her logo.
  • Timeless: Pick a logo that will work into the next decade. Tweaks to logos are common (The American Red Cross, Pepsi, Coke), but the basic brand and look remains the same.
  • Simple: A complex drawing with obscure references might confuse potential clients. Keep the drawing clean and simple.
Come up with a slogan
The word “slogan” comes from the Scottish Gaelic Sluagh-ghairm, which means army cry or battle cry. Don’t confuse this with your elevator pitch or your mission/position statement. It needs to be short and sweet, something you can say in a single breath, or battle cry.

If you can capture the right catchphrase, people will spread your message far and wide. A good slogan sticks like glue in people’s minds, reminding them consciously and unconsciously of your product, over and over.

With the right slogan, you can get free word-of-mouth advertising around the proverbial water cooler. People love a good slogan. Just consider several from the last few decades. None of these mention the company name, but are very recognizable:

  • Where’s the beef?
  • When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight!
  • I’m lovin’ it!
Of course your slogan can also include your name, which can only help you brand your company. Here are a few that work well for the product:

  • Got Milk?
  • Subway. Eat Fresh.
  • M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
What is YOUR war cry?
You can create your slogan on your own or with a group of friends. Everyone likes to pitch in ideas, but your slogan/war cry should complement your logo and the rest of your brand.  Hiring an expert can help ensure that your strategy is effective and efficient for years to come.

What is your elevator pitch?
You need to be able to sell yourself within a short pitch that can be easily delivered in the time it takes to climb a few floors in an elevator. You need to be able to answer the innocent question, “What do you do?” in such a way that the person wants to know more.

It’s OK for it to sound a bit sales-y as long as the concept is clearly communicated. If you’re shy about selling, you have to get over that. Every business owner must bite the bullet and admit they are (or need to be) a salesperson.

The first step will be to try out your pitch to yourself. Say it out loud, preferably in front of a mirror or on video. You can record yourself on your phone and play it back. How does it sound? How would you respond to your own pitch?

After you create one that you like, you need to practice it over and over and over and over (and over). Practice it in the car, in the shower, as you’re cooking, etc. Drill it until it is second nature, so that you don’t need to think about it at all. It should just come out naturally (which means if you keep getting tripped up on a certain phrase, change the phrase).

Next is the hard part for most people. You need to practice it on others (people who are not you). Start with friends, people who are supportive of your goals. If you stumble, try again. Friends will understand. Do this until you can actually take it to the next level, delivering it to someone you don’t know, at a networking event or other social setting.  It is just a matter of practicing with others until you aren’t worried about your pitch at all and it just flows out easily. Trust me, it won’t take long.

If You Communicate it, They Will Come
If you communicate your brand message to your target audience properly and your brand positioning is easy to understand, not only will your consumers/clients/customers be great brand ambassadors for you, but your employees or future employees will be too.  When your consumers are fans of your brand and identify with it, they, too, will become vocal in spreading your brand’s message. Word of mouth marketing has always been important in extending a company’s brand and offerings, but it is even more crucial in this age of social media. You want your consumers singing your praise across the various social media platforms, not only in the form of "Likes" but also in sharing their positive experiences and pictures. Just as you reward your employee, you should give perks and special treatment to those avid customers and fans of your brand who promote your products and services. Their endorsement is more powerful than any commercial or copy you could produce.

Are You on the Right Path?

If you are unsure whether your brand is working for you, contact us.  If you are a new business, a small business or an organization wanting to change directions, make sure you have an expert in the field of branding involved.  Not having a strategic plan and jumping into the fire can hurt your business in the long run.  We are here to help you develop a brand, develop a plan, determine your target audiences and how to reach them.  For more information on the services provided by SK Consulting, visit www.stonekingconsulting.com.  

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