Monday, May 22, 2017

There IS a Difference Between Branding and Marketing

When we tell small business owners that we are branding and marketing specialists, we get one or more of the following reactions:

  • ·         There’s a difference?
  • ·         So, what does that mean?
  • ·         You do promotional products too?
  • ·         That just means you design logos and websites, right?

No. We do not do promotional products (but we can recommend a fantastic promotional product business).  Yes.  We do logos and websites.  But, we won’t do the latter if a brand is not in place.

We help individuals and businesses discover their brand.  They’re ‘why’.  Their solution to consumers’ problems.  THEN we help them promote their ‘why’ – why they do what they do and why consumers should choose them.  You shouldn’t have a marketing plan in place if you don’t know your brand.  After all, if you don’t know your brand, nobody else will.

What’s the difference between branding and marketing?

1. Marketing is your message. Your brand is who you are.

Authentic brands don’t emerge from marketing cubicles or advertising agencies. They emanate from everything the company does.

When done right, your brand is your reason for being. It is the unique, authentic, singular value you offer to your customers. It permeates the culture of your company, and it is communicated to your customers every time they see, feel, touch, or experience your brand—not just when they experience a marketing message.

2. Branding comes first, marketing second.

If you have a logo, a package design, or a slogan, you may think you have a brand. What you actually have are a set of marketing materials and messages.
Whether they forget or purposely neglect it, many blow off step one of the branding process.
What’s step one? You must determine and define your brand value in the marketplace. Only then should you move on to developing a brand strategy—followed, last of all, by crafting a marketing campaign.

3. You own your marketing; your consumers own your brand.

Compared to branding, marketing is easier to control and to comprehend. You write the headlines, you choose the art, you post the Tweets. You measure conversions or awareness, and determine whether your marketing is a success or a failure.

When your customers take action and buy into your marketing efforts, there’s a reason.  That’s branding.  Many things influence your brand, you cannot manufacture brand value yourself.
Essentially, if you are authentic.  If your services provide a value.  If you have a clear understanding of the need you fill.  If you believe in your product or services and have a passion for it, potential customers will see that your brand is here to stay.

You must know the difference between branding and marketing, and don’t confuse your tactics. Marketing is storytelling. The most powerful branding happens when you listen, not when you talk. Your consumers will tell you what your brand is—or what they need it to be—because they alone know.

The strongest brands use their understanding of the difference between branding and marketing to build marketing campaigns that work hand in hand with their brand positioning strategy. They listen to their customers, and let their values, hopes, and desires define the brand’s position—then craft marketing campaigns to communicate that value through simple, creative, show-stopping executions.

If you do not see a return on your investment with your marketing efforts, it could be your brand!  Never fear – we’re here to help!  We can help you discover your story, your why and find that core element that sets your brand and your business above the competition.  Contact SK Consulting today!