Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Content Strategy, Content Marketing. What’s the Difference?

Content strategy and content marketing are often confused and treated as interchangeable words. But, they’re actually two very different things. 

To give you a visual – think of content marketing as a pie and content strategy as the plate on which it is set.  Tasty, but the difference goes deeper.

What is Content Marketing?

Think of content marketing as one aspect of your complete content strategy. It is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Typically, the content used for content marketing guides individuals through the sales funnel.  It serves to attract customers and build meaningful relationships with them. 

That includes content in the form of:
  • Blog posts
  • Case studies
  • Social media posts
  • eBooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Landing page copy
  • Email marketing copy
All of these content types help to form the foundation of a content strategy. 

What is Content Strategy?

Content strategy refers to the overarching plan you have for every piece of content related to your business. Content strategy concerns itself with the vision—the ins and outs of how and why your content will be created, managed, and eventually archived or updated.

Think of content strategy as a building blueprint.

Blueprints are mapped out and confirmed before any building work begins. Your content strategy should work in the same way, outlining the objectives of your content, as well as the delivery of it.

However, content strategies shouldn’t be set in stone, either. New channels, devices and trends are constantly emerging.  Your strategy needs to be fluid enough to accommodate changes. Ask yourself the following before moving forward with content distribution:

  • Why are we creating this content?
  • What audiences do we want to address?
  • What kind of actions and reactions do we want to achieve?
  • How will we promote the content once it’s published?
  • How will our audience find our content?
  • Where and when will you be publishing your content?
  • Who is in charge of creating your content?
  • How will you maintain your brand style across various platforms?
Fully executing your content strategy will take a lot more than just answering the questions above, but they should help provide a workable foundation.

1. Set Measurable and Achievable Goals
In order to measure the success of your content marketing campaign, have clearly defined goals and objectives. Each piece of content should be created in order to achieve a desired end result. That might include more leads for your business, increased email sign-ups or more social media followers.

On the flip side, if you publish content based on a whim, you’ll fall short of adding to the message your brand was set up to convey, and end up diluting it instead. 

2. Build Journeys
In addition to aligning your content with your organization’s goals, you need to include the journey you want your audience to take. The content you publish on social media and on your website shapes that journey.

The goal of your content should be to speak to prospects at multiple points throughout their journey to inform them further and thus guide them down your sales funnel. From the time they first come in contact with your company, to when they finally make the decision to buy from you — you should have content for every step of the way.

3. Choose Content Types
Producing content is great, but what kind of content best conveys the message of your organization? You may want to consider things like infographics, YouTube videos, testimonials, and other content types to complement your standard blog posts.

4. Define Distribution and Promotion Channels
Once your content is created, where will you send it? Identifying the most relevant channels for your organization is the key to gaining more traffic and converting more customers. 

You need to think about the most suitable social networks to focus on.  Where does your audience live?  Are they on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn?  Find the online communities that allow for engagement with your current and prospect base.

5. Create an Editorial Calendar
Your content strategy and marketing efforts need to come together like clockwork, and this is where your editorial calendar comes into play. Your calendar should outline when and where content should be published, right down to the most active times of the day for each channel. 

Serving Separate Purposes

There is a significant overlap between content strategy and content marketing efforts — and yet they serve separate purposes.

Content strategy explains the whys and hows that overarch every piece of content created. Content marketing is made up of the processes that work to create and promote that content. 

Many organizations jump right into dishing out content before ever stopping to think about the underlying strategy. The solution is to implement both short-term and long-term content strategies that will help you build a focal point based upon your content marketing goals. 

Need help creating a content strategy?  SK Consulting can help!  From concept.  To creation.  To Implementation.  We’re there for you every step of the way!

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