Monday, December 9, 2019

Effectively Marketing Your Global Software Company

There is a lot of content out in the cyber sphere to help small business owners and entrepreneurs develop and implement their marketing strategy.  We’ve written a lot about that too.  But, it is important to note that global companies benefit from a strategic and concise marketing plan as well. 

More often than not, national and international companies have large teams dedicated to the entire marketing spectrum.  But, it’s tough to manage such a large team, hold them accountable and obtain the KPIs needed to determine if the ROI is positive or not.

It’s also tough to determine the starting point.

Let’s take a global software company as an example.  A strong marketing strategy for this industry isn’t as easy as it may sound.  Tech marketers have to clearly convey the complexities of their products and services, while fighting for a spot among a market flooded with new technologies. To stand out, you need to take your brand’s marketing strategy to the next level.

Developing a Quality Marketing Strategy for Software Companies
It isn’t enough to get a few placements in a trade publication or invest in a few Google Ad Words to achieve maximum brand exposure. A good marketing strategy for software companies requires a multi-platform approach backed by an experienced, talented team that can turn the spotlight toward your company and products.

  • Tell your brand’s unique, personal story. Many tech companies make the mistake of giving in to overly technical jargon in their communications. While you need to explain exactly what your software offers, don’t forget to personalize your marketing efforts. Tell the story of how your software has changed businesses for the better. Also, weigh in on broader conversations in your industry to establish yourself as a thought leader.  What is the problem you are solving and what do customers have to say about it?
  • Understand who is buying your product. When it comes to software, the buyer journey isn’t always obvious (especially for B2B companies) because the user isn’t necessarily the one making purchasing decisions. A marketing strategy for software companies might target buyers, users, purchase influencers and even the C-suite. You need to develop thorough, accurate buyer personas that guide your web design and digital marketing process to ensure you’re reaching the people who actually make buying decisions. Decision makers receive a lot of proposals and pitches – make sure yours speaks to their needs and include the differentiator.
  • Invest in social media for the long run. It’s easy to build a Facebook page, but it’s harder to master the platform. You need to commit to investing time and money in your social strategy. While many companies quickly dole out social media responsibilities to part-time interns, use an experienced, talented communicator that can effectively represent your brand. More often than not, you get what you pay for.  Understand where your target audience is getting their information and invest in those platforms accordingly.
  • Employ a steady, consistent SEO strategy. Like social media, SEO is not necessarily a quick and easy endeavor. A robust online presence comes gradually. Don’t abandon your SEO efforts if you don’t see immediate effects. To get real results, you need consistent keyword research and shareable content that will cement your website as an information hub and boost rankings on search engines. Again, what is the problem your product or service addresses?  What are your prospective clients searching for?  Do you have the right terms embedded in the content throughout your website, marketing collateral and other platforms?
If you work for a software company or other technical company, make sure you employ the right team to translate and properly promote your services.  The landscape for your industry is quite competitive, so you have to be smart in how you define, promote and sell your products.  

If you don’t have the budget of a Fortune 500 company, but do compete with them, contact the team at SK Consulting.  Our dedicated team helps maximize your exposure while minimizing your cost.  From concept to creation to implementation – we’re there for you every step of the way!

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