Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Your Personal Brand Determines Your Success

Personal branding is more than just a 30-second elevator pitch used to introduce yourself. While it is important to quickly and concisely explain who you are and what you can bring to the table, personal branding goes much deeper than that; it is a vital key to small businesses and entrepreneur success.

What Is Branding?
The definition of brand has evolved over time. Today, when most businesses talk about their brand, they are referring to the thoughts, ideas and feelings people associate with it and the image they are trying to convey to their target audience. Brand marketing is a way companies promote their products and services in order to attain the desired perception, distancing themselves from the competition and creating a bond with their customers.

What Is Personal Branding?
Just as a business’ brand is a representation of the company’s image as others see it, personal branding is the way others see you. It is what sets you apart from the world – what makes you uniquely you.

Why Personal Branding Is Important
As small business owners and entrepreneurs, your personal brand can be the strongest marketing tool you have. It can get your foot in the door with potential clients and help you establish a reputable standing in your industry.

1. Your business is tied to your name.
When it comes to new businesses, your name can be more valuable than the business itself. Who would you rather do business with: the company whose owner is constantly missing deadlines or the owner who goes above and beyond to deliver what is promised and then some? By having a strong, positive personal brand, you set your business up for success.

2. It answers why someone wants to work with you.
Being transparent with your views and opinions helps potential clients easily decide if they can envision working with you. If clients establish that their values are aligned with what your name represents, they will feel confident in their decision to work with your company. Your brand is also a way to show what you know and what you are passionate about.

3. It sets you apart from competitors.
By taking the time to define your personal brand, you’ll stand out from competitors. Even if you offer similar products or services, your personal branding can highlight what makes you different (or better) than anyone else. Ask yourself what makes you unique and build on that.

How To Build Your Brand
Everyone has a name. While your name is how your brand is identified, building the reputation to go with it requires time and hard work.

1. Define who you are.
What are the top three things you want people to know about you?  What are the top three things you want people to know about your business?  Take a look at where the two meet and start building your brand there.  Essentially, what do you believe in, stand for and excel in?  By being true to who you are and owning your strengths and weaknesses you build trust.

2. Speak up and share your knowledge.
Once you know who you are, the next step is sharing what you know. Don’t be afraid to speak up and offer your experiences and insights to your audience. By being open to answering questions, you will start to build yourself and your brand as an authority figure people will look to for answers.

Do not be closed off to people who have different opinions and views than your own. Remaining open to feedback can help you increase your knowledge of the topics being discussed.

3. Get your words out there.
Another way to share your knowledge and build your authority is by writing articles and participating in interviews. As you build your coverage and are quoted in more articles, your brand’s credibility will also increase. Blogs are a great tool to share your knowledge with the world in written form. What makes them even better is that writing with keywords in mind has the added benefit of making it easier for potential clients to find you through SEO.

4. Get connected online.
As you build your personal brand, make sure your message is consistent across all platforms. By keeping your message and information uniform it will be easier for people to find and follow you. When was the last time you searched for your name online? Do you remember what came up in the results? You need to be aware of how you look online so you can make sure what you want people to see is what is out there. It is a continual process of monitoring and improving.

5. Never stop learning
The world is constantly and swiftly changing and evolving. Stay on top of the latest trends and new technologies for your industry to increase your personal brand authority. If you are not striving to move forward, you’re sinking in place.

6. Share the conversation.
Follow the 80/20 rule.

While you want everyone to know who you are and what you are about, it shouldn’t always be about you. In social settings, do you only talk about yourself? If you do, people probably don’t stick around!

The same principle should be applied to your personal branding efforts.
  • 80 percent of your content should engage with your followers through material that is not related to yourself or your business. Ask questions, show interest in others and be genuine in your contact.
  • 20 percent should be self-promotional, informing individuals about your brand and any promotions or updates you may have.
By sharing the conversation with others, you open up the floor to engaging and interesting topics, meeting new people and creating a positive environment for people to follow.

If you are struggling to develop a personal brand that is clear, concise and consistent, contact the experts at SK Consulting.  From concept to creation to implementation – we’re there with you every step of the way!

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